Ground-Guards keep a very wet power-station project moving forward! One of the country’s largest geo-investigation companies recently proved the value of using Ground-Guards track-way, when the site they were working on received 2 months rainfall in 2 weeks! The 1000 acre new power-station site in North Wales quickly turned into a boggy quagmire, but with the […]
Tag: bog

BAM request Bog-Mats delivery within 3 hours
In November 2013 the Ground-Guards sales team received a call from BAM Plant Head Office. They had a project in Leeds which needed some ground protection – and fast! The ground protection was to give stability to a 100 tonne counterbalance crane. The crane with situated on slightly higher ground and was to lift the […]

The Ground-Guards sales team were asked on several occasions to provide a ground protection system that would take very heavy plant and machinery across unusually wet, boggy and unstable ground conditions. In extremely wet conditions a mat with flotation properties is needed; this stops the mat from sinking through the mud. Seeking to support our […]